
Install instructions available from:


There is also VirtualBox virtual machine with Tarantula preinstalled available:

Image (Virtualbox) can be downloaded from, (MD5 sum f66242c7d0cdce9e9d0bdcde8bfd1568)  

* Import virtual image and run it.

There are two users created for Centos Linux. Users and passwords are:

root, root
user, user

Tarantula admin user is default: admin, admin

You should configure following settings:

* Log in as admin
* open url:


* Set host and admin email settings

In addition mail relaying should be set up. If you have access to smpt server, which doesn’t require authentication, you can set Tarantula to use that directly. Configure server details to “smtp” setting.

Another option is use postfix for mail relaying. Postfix is already installed in virtual server image and Tarantula is by default configured to use local mailer. However, you need to setup postfix system. Please see for futher info